Thursday, October 24, 2013

Welcome Baby McKoy

June 25, 2013. Never before have I witnessed so much joy and love than from this family as they welcomed the newest member of their family. The struggle to get this little boy here was real and what a miracle he is. These brothers already have a connection stronger than that of blood. Watching them grow…

Welcoming McKoy Dean Radford from Chelsie Pack on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Brandon + Madeline Wedding Video

It was a gorgeous day in Salt Lake City, Utah. June 1st was the big day Brandon and Madeline picked to officially spend the rest of their lives together. It was beautiful and we followed that moment with a huge celebration with family and friends. I've never seen such a happy sight in all my life, and they asked me to capture it all! I was so excited to get the opportunity to share such a special day with these two good friends of mine. So here it is, their wedding video. Filmed by myself and Danielle Bingham. Edited by yours truly.

Brandon+Madeline from Chelsie Pack on Vimeo.

I'm so excited to share this. This is my most recent project that I just finished up a few days ago. It is also my first wedding that I've ever filmed and edited. What a learning experience! I am pleased with how it turned out but am also looking forward to the things I've learned from this experience and apply them to my next projects. Feel free to comment any suggestions or advice if you have any. I'm always open to learning new things from those with more experience.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Uprising Silly string Fest 2013

The Uprising: an idea of rising up from an average, ordinary, every day life and just living life to the fullest and having as much fun as you can.
These guys are absolutely crazy, and fun to be around. I was so excited when they gave me the opportunity to film and edit the World Record Breaking Silly String Party several months ago. This thing was legit, Guinness World Record Book was there to officiate and make sure we broke the record for the largest silly string fight (and we did). I met a lot of fun and interesting people.
It was a good experience I will never forget.

I look forward to the next Uprising event so I can make a few changes in the style and quality of film. Its frustrating looking back on old videos and seeing flaws you didn't catch before, but its exciting to learn these new tricks and recognize changes to apply to the next project.

I encourage the use of Constructive Criticism. Feel free to leave your comments if you have some.

Brady Scott Tweedy- BMX Edit

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, Brady Tweedy.
This little beauty right here was my first ever official edit, made just over a year ago. Brady is a good friend of mine and an incredibly talented BMX rider. We had a lot of fun with the making of this edit. It was a first for both of us; my first time editing a project of this size and his first edit.
Looking back now I have learned and realized a lot of things I would do differently. For one: the quality of the video. I've learned YouTube is not the best place for your videos if you want them to look more professional. (Dually noted)

Like I said, I've learned a lot since this little guy was born. Everybody has got to start somewhere and I look forward to doing it again soon!
Thanks to Brady again for giving me the opportunity!